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I’ve done lots of journaling and filled lots of books over the past 30 or so years. Writing or wanting to be a writer has been a central theme, of course. But another common subject I journaled about were my two main excuses for not taking my writing seriously. The first was the topic of my previous post – that I was not “crazy enough” to tap into my creativity, but my second excuse was about my lack of discipline.

Image of notebooks piled on top of each other

Image courtesy of Jomphong / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

What is discipline?

Definition of Discipline: Activity, exercise or regimen that develops or improves a skill

Funny how #2 is about writing 🙂

There are just some things that I’m great at starting but not so much at following through with — exercising on a regular basis, learning to cook and writing come to mind. Except somehow, this time, I got it. I found the discipline. I’m not sure how it happened. I don’t know when it happened. I’m not sure I even realized that it happened, but it did.

It wasn’t until recently, when talking to a friend about completing the second draft of my WIP that it hit me. Well actually she said it to me. I told her how excited I was that I had written over 100,000 words (went up from first draft because I added scenes) and her response was a surprise to me:

I admire your discipline.

fetus in a light bulb

Image from Flickr, Jason Eppink

Fizz … Sizzle … DING *hear the sizzling of that light bulb turning on?* Yeah, that was me.

I have discipline? Huh, I guess I do. I mean I wrote my WIP mostly on Mondays (my day off from the day job), using the rest of the week to see and develop scenes. That’s probably not the quickest approach, but I did it Monday after Monday, month after month, for the past year … that is discipline. It took a friend to point it out to me and I’m glad she did because it helped me get rid of the other excuse I had for not following through with my writing.

New Year’s Resolution

I’m not big on resolutions. I don’t make them anymore because I found, early on, that soon after New Year’s I’d forget about them (you know, exercise everyday, eat right, write a book). But early last year I set a goal of no more video games and more writing and I did it. So this year, call it a resolution or not, I plan to continue to pursue the goal of more writing. And seeing that we are just about to celebrate the new year, seems as good a time as any to put that goal out there.

Now, let me take a moment to wish you all a very happy and safe New Year!!! See you in 2013 🙂

Image of "Happy New Year"

Image courtesy of Kittikun Atsawintarangkul / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

What about you, do you set New Year’s resolutions? If you do, what do you think your chances are for following through with them?