A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to My Blog


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detour sign with road in knots

I didn’t mean to stop blogging. It just sort of happened. Feels like I blinked and June (when I wrote my last post) became November. How did that happen?

I can blame it on Summer and the long, hot sunny days filled with cook outs, music, and dancing in the warm night breeze. Or maybe it was the day trips to NYC or Mystic, CT. I can blame it on the short vacation getaway to Puerto Rico where we feasted on authentic cuisine – I’d forgotten how good Puerto Rican food is! Or maybe it was toying with the idea of going for a new job. “Toying” is the wrong word – I seriously considered it. Took the time to prepare in case I decided to go for it, I had to be ready. I researched, redid my resume and contemplated all the pros and cons. One of the cons I worried about was the fact that I wouldn’t have as much time for my writing. In the end, the right decision for me was not to go for it, but maybe the time I took off to prep slowed my momentum.

jets and pats helmetsI could blame it on the transition to Fall and the distraction of football Sundays, Fantasy Football and Knock-out pools. So what if my team (NY Jets) is 1 – 8, I live in New England where I can count on the Pats winning and spending my Sundays rooting against them, while I try to defend my team with our slogan, “There’s always next year.”

Whatever the reason or excuses, I haven’t taken the time to blog. The good news is I’ve worked on my novel-in-progress and have almost completed the first draft. The not so good news is I’ve been a little stuck on the last few chapters over the past few weeks. I’m so close — I have the last chapter and know how it ends, but I just need a bridge to get me there.

I have to get back into my writing routine.
I have to stop letting myself get distracted.

I’m not sure what that means for my blog. Maybe I can resurrect it. Maybe I will still have a few followers out there who will be happy to see a post from me. Maybe getting back to blogging will help spark my creativity, which can only help me with my novel.

Either way, I do plan on finishing my first draft. I like the story and maybe, just maybe, this will be the one I have the guts to share with others for feedback.

boy holding breathStay tuned, but don’t hold your breath. I’d hate to be responsible for causing harm if I blink and another 5 months go by before I blog again.