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Picture of my calico cat on hammock next to open window

Miko, Oct. 2013

Meet Miko.

Besides eating, sleeping curled up next to me at night or hanging out on her hammock by the window, her next favorite thing to do is chase a laser light.

Miko chasing a red light on the wall

Miko and the laser light, 2014

I keep the laser light in my nightstand draw. When I open it, even if it’s just to get my Chapstick or a pen, she gets so excited. Her eyes widen and she sits up straight, at the ready. If I pick up the laser light and the small key chain links happen to clink together, she gets into position to pounce.

When I press the button and the light appears on the floor, Miko chases it with abandon. She hurls herself around the room so hard, I’m afraid she’ll hurt herself. She doesn’t hold back! Her sole purpose is to catch that laser light.

three images of Miko trying to keep up with the light

Thing is, I actually feel bad for her (after I think how cute she looks running around like that). All that effort and I know she’ll never catch it. It’s not real, not tangible. If she puts her paw on the light, it doesn’t get covered up like a captured bug. It hovers on her paw. She seems confused when that happens but it doesn’t matter because when the light moves again, she takes off after it. She doesn’t care that she’ll never catch it, she loves chasing that thing!

How do I know she loves it? Because when I put it back in my nightstand, she sits and stares waiting for me to get it out again. And if I happen to need to go into that draw again, her eyes widen and she gets into her pouncing position.

Is writing my laser light?

The other day as I watched her playing with the light, I though about my writing. All my efforts, my moments of excitement, of pouncing on a story idea and writing with abandon – am I chasing a dream I will never catch?

I guess it doesn’t really matter. I love writing. I enjoy the process and I’ll keep doing it. Just like Miko who sits by the nightstand at the ready, I sit with my pen and paper or my computer ready to write my ideas.

The fact that I may never catch that dream won’t stop me. The thrill of the chase and the belief, in Miko and in me that maybe one day … just maybe … we will catch the light is enough to keep us chasing it!

Miko catches the light on the wall

By the way, I can’t believe I wrote a blog post comparing myself to my cat … guess it was bound to happen 🙂

For those of you who read my last blog post, in case you are wondering, the conference was great! Almost 300 people and a lot of good feedback. Thanks for all the positive thoughts and energy you sent my way! Feels good to breathe again and to be back! If you’re interested in seeing a few pictures you can check out www.facebook.com/CTtechact.

So what about you — are you chasing a laser light of your own? I’d love to hear about it.