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I was nominated for this awesome award – the Very Inspiring Blogger. Such a great title! Thank you Rebecca Bond!! If you don’t know or haven’t been to Rebecca’s blog, you can get to know her here. She is doing a wonderful story called the “Lethe Identity” where she takes suggestions for story elements from her blog commenters and incorporates them into her story. Such a brave soul! 🙂

Now back to the award.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

The Rules:

1. Display the logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
5. Notify your nominees.

7 Thing About Me:

1. I love to handwrite in notebooks & journals and love choosing new journals. That first blank page is my favorite!

2. I’m a major geek and love gadgets and technology.

3. Superhero moves are my favorite, especially if there’s a tough chick kicking butt!

4. I love to sing but have a terrible voice – so I only sing when I’m alone.

5. I’m a list person – lists for groceries, lists for movies to watch and books to read, lists for songs to download, places to visit, restaurants to try, I have a very long password list, several to do lists, and now a list of lists.

6. I like vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles or vanilla chocolate chip ice cream, but not chocolate ice cream.  I still like chocolate milk though.

7. My favorite meal is arroz con gandules con platanos maduro (spanish rice with pigeon peas and sweet plantains) which I can only really get from my mom when I visit Puerto Rico. Yum! Now I’m hungry 🙂

My Nominations:

  1. Char Stastny of Joy in the Moments
  2. Sheila Hurst
  3. Jae from Lit and Scribbles
  4. Katie from Writer in Progress (which is such a great blog title!)
  5. The Write Niche
  6. Rachelle from A Rich Full Life

I know 6 does not equal 15 (my math skills are not that bad) but many of the other blogs I’d like to nominate have already received this award. So I’m keeping my list shorter than 15 and I hope you stop by these great blogs for a visit. I’m sure you will enjoy your stay!
